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Evidence-Based Skilled Interventions

I have received training, and in some cases, advanced training in the following evaluation and treatment protocols. These programs are evidence-based skilled interventions.


PROMPT is an acronym for “Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets.” Using tactile-kinesthetic prompting, PROMPT aims to restructure individual speech sounds. It is a method used in the treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech, as well as articulation and other motor speech disorders.

The Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol

K-SLP focuses on speech motor skills by starting with the best, developmentally appropriate approximations of sounds and/or words that a child can produce, and then progressing on to shaping those approximations into more advanced syllables, words and sentences. K-SLP may be used with anyone from late talkers to children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech, as well as articulation and other motor speech disorders.

Social Thinking

Social Thinking is a treatment methodology used to develop social communication skills. Social Thinking helps to develop perspective taking skills, including one’s thoughts, feelings and intentions to help them make sense of and interact with the social world around them.

Lindamood-Bell Visualizing & Verbalizing

Visualizing and Verbalization is a program used for children with difficulty with reading comprehension and/or writing. This program develops mental imagery skills to help support learners in these areas.


DIR/Floortime is used to treat a variety of children from those on the Autism Spectrum to late talkers. DIR/Floortime provides a relationship-based, child-centered approach to developing language skills through understanding individual developmental differences, and following a child’s lead and interests as a method to help them develop their social, emotional and problem solving skills.


PECs is a form of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) which uses a picture-based communication system via a one-to-one exchange.

The services I offer are tailored to each child's specific needs. 

© 2020 Find Your Voice Speech & Language Therapy, PLLC

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